1.International students can spend the long winter holiday with families in other parts of the United States.
2.But whether the long winter nap bears appear to engage in qualifies as true hibernation has always been another matter.
3.An old American legend says that every February 2, the ground hog awakens from its long winter nap and creeps out of its hole.
4."After a long winter break you always feel ready to jump back in the car, " he added.
5.It was a long winter of the very year I was twelve, like an endless jungle path, walked endlessly.
6.The long winter started, snow is dancing on the branch. We feel a little cold and a little hungry.
7.moomin , his mother and father all wake up after the long winter.
8.The rooms had now only to be furnished, and this would be work for the long winter days.
9.During the long winter months she created many images of her people.
10.Alison Lawson endured a long winter a year ago when her daughter Genevieve's ear infection lasted for months without successful treatment.